
by Elísabet Pálmadóttir

Published Jan 07. 2017 21:38

I have always loved knitting. I believe that I learned to knit when I was about 5 years old. I remember starting a craft club with my friends when we were 10 years old and that was when I made my first sweater. I have always loved all sorts of crafts, quilting, making clothes and jewelleries. At the age of 16 to 20, I knitted many sweaters, hats and scarfs made for my siblings and friends. Then as I went, on to university studies, I knitted a lot less and juggling work and home during the first decade of work life, this continued. I found back to knitting as my son grew older as weekends and nights after work hours became more leisurely. I always have some hand knit project going on. Growing up my mother had a knitting machine; I believe it was a pink Passap knitting machine. I did try using it once or twice and found it very fascinating but difficult to use. At that time, it was also difficult to get spare parts for the machine so it was probably not only popular to have a teenager using the try and error method to learn to use the machine. Unfortunately the machine got thrown away as it was no longer possible to get spare parts (needles and such) just a few years before this again became much easier using eBay and other websites to find these things. Therefore, for years I longed to try using a knitting machine again. A couple of years back I finally invested in my first knitting machine. The cheapest and easiest to ship to Iceland was the Bond Ultimate Sweater Machine. This was love at first sight. Many projects have been knitted on this machine and my latest creation was this cardigan.

I made three, one in the yarn “Einrúm” (Pure Icelandic Wool and Pure Thai Silk) and two in Lopi lite (Worsted weight yarn, 100 % wool).

Now I have added two more knitting machines.

Happy New Year and welcome to share and follow my blog.

Design: The Blue Cardigan

This is a Lopi lite cardigan knitted on a Bond USM knitting machine. I have used plate 3 1/2 on the USM and 6 mm and 4 1/2 mm needles for hand knitting the ribs and the bust & shoulder part.

As I don't have a ribber to the USM I prefer to hand knit the rib and then hang the finished rib on the USM. I usually start the hand knitted rib off with a stocking stitch row after casting on, then knit the required rows off rib and finish with one row of stocking stitch as I find this easier to hang on the machine.

I am not particularly fond of the weights supplied with the Bond USM so I prefer to use some claw weights when hanging my projects.

After knitting the required rows for back and front alike, 5 stitches are sat aside for later shaping the armhole and gathering the stitches on a needle for keeping until shaping the bust and shoulder part.

The sleeves have some light shaping by increasing one stitch at each side every 14th row until all rows have been knitted and then setting aside 5 stitches on each side for shaping the armhole, the rest of the stitches are gathered on a needle for keeping as for back and front.

Now it is time to start the bust and shoulder part. Gather the 210 (236) stitches on a 6 mm needle in the following way:

Right front

Right sleeve


Left sleeve

Left front

Knit 3 rows knitting garter stitch and then in the following row decrease 1 stitch every 3rd stitch (every 4th for size large) knit 10 rows garter stitch and then in the following row decrease 1 stitch every 3rd stitch

Knit 8 rows garter stitch and then in the following row decrease 1 stitch every 3rd stitch

Knit 8 rows garter stitch and then in the following row decrease 1 stitch every 3rd stitch (knit 4 rows garter stitch and then in the following row decrease 1 stitch every 4th for size large)

Knit 8 rows rib and cast off.

Sow up the sides (using mattress stitch) and rehang the stitches from under the arms ( 5 from each side of the selves (10 in total) right side facing you on the machine and then the 5 stitches from front and back (10 in total)) pick up 1 stitch in each side in order to prevent a hole from being formed wrong side facing you (right sides together) knit these 10 stitches together and cast off.

Finish off by picking up stitches along the front on each side with needles 4 1/2, I pick up 5 stitches (one per row) and then leave one row with out a stitch being picked up along the front.

Knit 4 rows garter stitch and then knit 8 buttonholes, the first after 3 stitches and then approximately 11 stitches between the remaining buttonholes. Knit 4 rows garter stitch and cast loosely off.

The left front band is knitted over 8 rows (garter stitch) and cast loosely off.

Fasten off any loose ends and add the buttons.


Piece name Rows Stitches Repeat Size Tension
Back 88 80 1 Large Stocking Stitch - 3.50 - Lopi Lite
Sleeve 68 46 1 Large Stocking Stitch - 3.50 - Lopi Lite
Sleeve rib 16 46 1 Large Rib - 0.00 - Lopi Lite
Front 88 44 1 Large Stocking Stitch - 3.50 - Lopi Lite
Front rib 16 44 1 Large Rib - 0.00 - Lopi Lite
Back rib 16 80 1 Large Rib - 0.00 - Lopi Lite