Design: The blue and white mittens

The Blue and white mittens are knitted with fair isle using card number 17 that came with my Brother knitting machine. The other two are made with designs from the book Ornaments and Patterns found in Iceland. I cast on with tension 1/1 and hang the small cast on comb and two large wights. I have used 3 rows of selvedge for this project before knitting the required rows of rib.

After transferring all the stitches from the ribber to the needle bed of the knitter the knitting machine is set to knit fair isle. The required rows of knitting up to the thumb are done and then 12 stitches are knitted on a different color of yarn for making the thumb later on and these stitches are then knitted again in the pattern. Make sure that the carriage is on the opposite side when you hand knit those stitches for the thumb.

Continue with the remaining rows of fair isle knitting. The decreasing of stitches is done by first using the 2x transfer tool to move every third stitch to the adjacent stitch, set the tension to one lower than your knitting tension and knit two rows. The next decreasing is by taking every other stitch and transferring to the adjacent stitch and again lowering the tension to one lower than before, knit two rows. Cut the yarn approximately the length that is required to sow up the mitten. Gather the stitches on to the yarn and pull up tight, I use a large needle to do this, and pull the yarn twice more through the stitches so that the pulling together of the stitches becomes a bit stronger.

Next you need to pick up the stitches for the thumb. Remove the yarn used to hold the stitches. Pick up extra two stitches in the middle and add one at each end as well, you should have 28 stitches now (12 on both sides of the yarn pulled out and those 4 extra stitches that you have added at both ends of the original 12 stitches).

Rehang the project on the knitting machine, wrong side facing you. I use a piece of cardboard on the ribber to make sure that the project does not get hung up on the pegs of the ribber while I am doing this. Now knit the rows of the thumb and decrease stitches in the same manner as for the mitten.

Now all that is left is to sow up.



Piece name Rows Stitches Repeat Size Tension