
Socks foot and toe (part 2)

The sock is knitted with 49 rows and then the toe is knitted. Carriage to the left. 35 stitches on the right and 1 stitch on the left are set to hold (needles in position E, and carriage holding cam lever on H). Knit one row. One stitch on the same side as the carriage is set to hold, knit one row, a total of 18 times, when finished there should be 19 stitches left in working position. Then increase again in the same manner, one stitch on the same side as the carriage is set to WP until all 35 toe stitches are in WP again. I find it best to avoid gaps at this stage by manually knitting the stitch that is being put in WP, before knitting the row. Knit the 35 toe stitches on to waste yarn, and the 35 stitches in hold position are also knitted on to waste yarn. Bring the two sections with WY together and graft stitches together. And then all that is left is to sow up the side seam, which I did on the Hague Linker. The toe on the second sock is knitted starting with the carriage on the right and 35 stitches on the left hand side set to hold.

Stitches: 70

Rows: 49

From: Autumn socks

Size: L

Tension: S - 9.00